Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards is a mobile app game for Participants to play for a chance to win Ultimate Rewards!


No Purchase Is Necessary to Participate!

Rewards that can be won:

  • Scholarship Award
    - Terri Large “Inspiration Scholarship Award"
  • Cash Rewards / Gift Cards


 Download the app on:




Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards -Scholarship Awards for Members/Sponsors/Educators

Quarterly (January, April, July and October) Ten (10) Members, Educators & Sponsors will be selected to play the “Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game and the player who selects the correct square will win the “Scholarship Award”. Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.


Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards –Members Goal Setting -Cash Rewards & Gift Cards

Weekly Ten (10) Members will be selected to play the “Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game and the person who selects the correct square will win cash rewards and gift cards.  Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.


Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards – Catch A Break

Everyday members can spin the "Catch A Break" wheel three (3) times to win the following rewards: target points, apparel discount and a “catch a break”  reward that can include the following but not limited: movie tickets, gift cards, restaurant vouchers, gas cards, spa day etc. Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.

Game rules can be viewed on the Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards mobile app game.

Quarterly (January, April, July and October) Ten (10) Members, Educators & Sponsors will be selected to play the “Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game and the player who selects the correct square will win the “Scholarship Award”. Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.

Weekly Ten (10) Members will be selected to play the “Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game and the person who selects the correct square will win cash rewards and gift cards.  Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.

Everyday members can spin the "Catch A Break" wheel three (3) times to win the following rewards: target points, apparel discount and a “catch a break”  reward that can include the following but not limited: movie tickets, gift cards, restaurant vouchers, gas cards, spa day etc. Review the "Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards" mobile app game rules.

Goal Booster Ultimate Rewards! How to Play